Okay, so we really didn't "do" Balma
This blog, which has been idle for God knows how long.... (2 years?) finally got a response from a friend of mine. A story came up in passing that she didn't remember about the time all of the college seniors in our crowd and "soon-to-be-outta-there's" got sauced one night at "The Arc" in Watervliet and decided it would be a good idea to go to the sophomore dorm and hang out with that crowd.
Now we didn't always get along with that crowd.... by that point in our collective college careers, we were old and curmudgeony and the sophomores were young and carefree.
Although, at that hour of night, we were drunk, so it kind of evened the score.
When we rang their phone, we weren't even sure they'd let us in. When they did decide to let us in, the look on their faces was priceless. It's like we were animals at the zoo... they didn't know what to do with us.
After shooting the shit for a few mintues, we decided it was in our best interests to get out of there as everybody seemed to be completely wierded out. On the way out the door, our friend Steve stops in the hallway and says:
"Hey, where's Balma?"
"He's asleep."
"Hey, I've got an idea... let's do Balma!" (accompanied by pelvic thrusting).
At that point, we all fell out. And that's the only detail any of us really remembers. The rest was a blur.